Wednesday, 2025 February 19
I am a little teapot Lyrics (nursery rhyme)
Updates / 2024/06/05

I am a little teapot Lyrics (nursery rhyme)

Nursery rhyme I'm a little teapot Lyrics, The song was originally written by George Harry Sanders and Clarence Z. Kelley and published in 1939. यह कविता नर्सरी के बच्चो का पाठ्यक्रम है। यह छोटी और सुंदर कविता है। आप अपने घर पर ही अपने बच्चो को इसे पढ़ा सकते है 

I'm a little teapot, 
short and stout.
Here is my handle,

here is my spout.
When I get all steamed up, 

hear me shout
Tip me over and pour me out!

Tags- IM a Little Teapot Lyrics, IM a Little Teapot Song Lyrics, IM a Little Teapot Lyrics in English, IM a Little Teapot Lyrics in English

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the theme of I'm a little teapot?
The teapot is calling out and telling the reader that it is short and stout.
What does a teapot Symbolise?
friendship, of telling stories and confiding in each other.
Who wrote this song I am a little teapot?
The song was originally written by George Harry Sanders and Clarence Z. Kelley.
When published Teapot song?
published in 1939.
Teapot is Nursury Rhyme?
Yes, Teapot is Nursury Rhyme
